- Stress Management

Stress Management

Stress Management -- by learning relaxation , meditation and self- hypnosis techniques you can calm your mind and relax your body.

Controlled Breathing:
The mind and body follow the breathing, relaxing in proportion to the slowing of the breathing process . Controlled breathing exercises can be done for a few minutes or for an extended period of time, and it is helpful to bring attention to your breathing frequently throughout the day. This will quiet the mind and body and shift you into mindfulness.

Guided imagery :
Using guided imagery, the therapist uses the natural power of a person's imagination to enhance relaxation, assist healing, and develop personal and spiritual growth. By using guided imagery, people can be taught to self-direct their body and mind.

Meditation :
A meditative practice consists of anchoring attention in the present by focusing on the breath, an object, a quality, etc.  During this practice, one passively observes thoughts, feelings, perceptions, and sensation – without judgment .  Meditation is the basis of many relaxation methods that have been approved by an independent NIH (National Institute of Health) panel, as useful for treating chronic pain and insomnia.

Hypnosis :
Hypnosis is a deep state of relaxation and focused awareness, where the conscious mind becomes quiet, yet the subconscious mind is alert and receptive to suggestion.  When given a suggestion that is within the bounds of a person's belief system and moral orientation, the subconscious mind organizes it as a new and accepted part of its belief system.

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy :
Hypnosis allows gentle and direct access to the subconscious, focuses on the root cause of problems, enables one to create new beliefs and facilitates growth and change.

Hypnotherapy is the use of hypnosis by a hypnotherapist, who has received at minimum a Masters Degree, and is licensed as a mental health practitioner.

Click here to learn more about hypnotherapy and to contact a hypnotherapist.

Neurofeedback has also proven effective in improving stress symptoms/anxiety, depression, sleep disturbance, fatigue and health issues.

Please contact me to discuss these various tools and techniques that can be effective in reducing/eliminating symptoms related to stress in your life.

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